I think the shift towards fall is making me feel like writing more. Old associations with the school year perhaps? I am trying to develop a habit of writing to take with me into the homeschool year. I am worried that homeschool responsibilities will disrupt what I have started. One way that I am hoping to combat that is by picking read aloud titles that are exciting for me and are part of my research!

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Oh I love this! I always plan out Morning Time based on what I want to be surrounded by.

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This has been a summer interrupted by one h have of household sickness after another.

All three girls had pneumonia in mid July. Just in time to interrupt Bella’s graduation party. Though she was fortunately recovered enough to go on her five day retreat with the Daughters of St Paul.

Then Ben got a bunch of mysterious aches and pains and fatigue that sent us to the urgent care where a million tests came up negative. Only for me to get the same symptoms— plus fever!— a few days later.

Poor Ben’s been sick since pretty much the start of June. Now I’m wondering if it’s partly long covid.

Anyway I got sick at dinner the night before my birthday. So I turned fifty with no celebration. Just burning in bed on a rack of pain binge watching The Bear just to distract myself. Too sick to even read. Oh and then your book arrived to cheer me up just in time, Kortney, thank you. I haven’t been able to read it yet. But just the sight of it — and your note— have been a balm.

I’m writing from urgent care now. Hoping I don’t have pneumonia. The kids are all supposed to go to BSA summer camp on Saturday and I’m praying they make it. Fearing they’ll all come down sick. Wondering how I’ll have the energy to get them packed.

I really hope this fall is a season of writing. I keep hoping to start a substack of my own to replace my poor blog which has become too expensive to maintain. But life keeps getting in the way. Still I’m going to print out your word hoard and Stowe it away in my notebook as a promise to myself to do my best to get some words on paper.

Recently the little writing I’ve accomplished has been a prayer journal. Mostly just other peoples prayer requests and quotes and scripture passages. But small bits of me here and there. Maybe the not writing is the point.

This is yet another fallow season but I know planting time will come again

We had rain this morning and my fever broke and I took my tea and oatmeal onto the patio to eat under the gazebo. I eventually started puttering with pulling the deadheads off my pansies and then moseyed over to the garden where I did some weeding while the cool drizzle fell. It was nice to do battle with the carpet we’d and creeping Charlie and grass and dandelions and whatnot. I’ve got two dozen volunteer tomatoes spring from compost or fallen fruit from last year. And a bunch of marigolds. And maybe a couple of sunflowers. Funny how sickness and rain can slow me down enough to tend to my neglected garden.

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I can't believe our 50th birthdays were so close! I'm so sorry that you were sick instead of celebrating. You need a do-over! Praying that preparations for camp go well and everyone can participate. It cheers me to hear about your garden. What abundance! We are making a neighborhood pilgrimage each day to a statue of the Virgin in the days approaching the Assumption. There are berries and figs to eat all along the way. Blessing of the fruits.

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Yes! I love that we are close to birthday twins. I'll find time to celebrate eventually. I was already kind of planning a postponed celebration in the fall, but Dom and I were going out to eat and I was going to make a cake.

I love your fruits-filled pilgrimage. What a lovely image.

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Aug 5Liked by Kortney Garrison

This summer I’ve been adding a bit of writing time after my morning walk (early morning sun makes getting up and out earlier so much easier), but it’s going to be a stretch to continue that when our homeschool routine starts up again at the end of the month… trying to consider if I’m overthinking it, making myself an unfair/unnecessary dilemma, or just being honest!

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Morning walk + writing sounds perfect! But I hear you--homeschooling takes time + energy. Our days are full right now; it's hard to imagine adding in school!

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Aug 5Liked by Kortney Garrison

Spending 7 minutes noticing what you notice. What a perfect, gentle way to start the day. I love autumn. It awakens my creativity more every year. 🍁

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Mmmm--notice what you notice. Yes! It's going to be over 90 here this week, so cooler temps will be welcome. But we've got a beach weekend and a few more in town adventures before then! Peace keep you, friend!

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