Oh man. I love this idea so much, but am too self-aware that sending out a postcard every day is totally beyond my executive function capabilities at present-- or maybe ever?

One of my favorite poetry books is Ted Kooser's Winter Morning Walks, which started off as postcard poems.

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I always start my postcard sending early and end late!

But I cut my teeth on daily postcards when Lissa was receiving daily radiation treatments. If she could go to the clinic every day, then I could certainly send a postcard.

I love Winter Morning Walks. It's a treasure of a book.

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What a fun idea! Do they have to be original poems?

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Generally speaking I'd say yes-ish! I use the friendly audience and small space to work out bits and pieces that have accumulated. But there is no oversight or anyone telling you what to do. I can imagine that people would be very happy to receive poems or quotes curated by you.

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