Jun 6Liked by Kortney Garrison

I now confidently call myself a writer. Looking back through my life, though, I don't know if there was ever a time I wasn't a writer. I remember writing creative short stories at nine years old, printing them at my grandma's house, and stapling them together to make them into a real book. I discovered poetry in middle school and with significant encouragement from my English teacher, I started keeping my own poetry journals. She still asks about my writing. Around the time of the pandemic, I started a blog as a senior in high school. I continued it on and off through college. One year out of college, here I am, still writing. Really, though, I don't think I ever introduced myself as a writer to anyone until my fiancé introduced me as such to his friends. I remember being completely caught off guard. The title feels awkward sometimes still. I mean, I haven't published books yet. I AM a writer, though.

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Having someone really see you as a writer and name it is such a gift. Especially someone you love!

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Jun 6Liked by Kortney Garrison

In the summer, I like to get outside and hike in the early morning before the heat of the day kicks in. The soft slanted light and cooler air feels creatively charged--a special time that I've set aside for my mind and body and soul. This year, I'm excited to have a couple of experimental creative projects to work on. I know the time will fly and I want to be intentional it. Thank you for mentioning Holly's class--very tempting. 🌊🌊🌊

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Last year we walked in the early mornings of August. Those days seemed charged with power. I'm excited about your creative experiments!

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Well first, I get your postcards, and to me they absolutely count as poetry. I always hold them close.

Second - that printable 😍

Third - “being a writer” is funny. I started calling myself one again recently. I even got business cards ☺️

*(Waiting on their arrival. Waiting for them to say “waiter.”)*

But the comes then question: “what do you write?”

That’s been tricky to answer over the years, but now I say essays.

I thought that might get me booted from my writer’s group made up of mainly mystery authors, but they just cheer me on with my teeny stories and I cheer them on with their big, slightly stabby ones 🥰

P.S. You are my FAVORITE poet 🩵

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First, YOU are my favorite waiter!

Second, I bet you've already found her, but do you know about Summer Brennan's essay work? I love this video: https://www.awritersnotebook.org/p/a-year-of-writing-dangerously-workshop💙💙💙

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Here is another reason to subscribe to you - You know ALL the coolest things. Thank you!

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