I got my poetry postcard (yay!!!!) and it inspired me to make art. Yesterday I took some big newsprint sheets onto the patio with some pastels and made some sketches. Today I watercolored some postcards which I will send out hopefully, eventually, with some poems on them.

In the last two weeks we had a house full of guests and three children with pneumonia. Now it is quiet and I'm remembering what it's like to have time to think and create. Now I'm longing to write and wondering if I have anything to say. What can I pay attention to? What is calling to me?

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So glad the card arrived, and so sorry to hear about the illness at your place. Last week my husband was sick, and even just one person ill makes everything just a bit more complicated. I'm planning to share a list of one word prompts in the coming days, so maybe they can be a part of your process. Peace keep you.

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Jul 27Liked by Kortney Garrison

"It almost seems as if my scattered attention is the closest thing to prayer."

I love this!

Also, Simone Weil's journals are the reason I have the word, "ruthless," tattooed on my knuckles. (That's probably something I should write about soon...)

You are an inspiration, as always.

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Oh I had no idea! You are amazing. I can't wait to read more about the Cook/Weil connection. Also if you have recommendations a places to begin with Weil, I'd love it.

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Jul 29Liked by Kortney Garrison

That is a GREAT question, because to be honest, she can be a difficult (very very intellectual-style) read.

I have a Simone Weil Reader (edited by Panichas) that I really like because it gives me bumpers (is that what they're called? those things at bowling alleys that keep you from going into the gutter??) to help me navigate the challenge, in the form of "categories" of her writing, and intros before each one.

The Marginalian also has some GREAT articles about Weil, with quotes and paraphrasing and all the stuff that can help you get excited about one piece of writing over another: https://www.themarginalian.org/?s=Weil

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This is a GREAT recommendation! Thank you for the link too. ;)

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Jul 29Liked by Kortney Garrison

And I guess I can only write the word GREAT in all caps :)

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